Bash REST API client
A set of class like functions with a http.
This is a bash solution to script REST API calls.
The specialties of this component are
- It was build to simplify http calls and handle http response for scripts
- After making a request the response stays is in memory. There is no output to any file to grep something or to cleanup after usage.
- Its functions feel a bit like class methods, i.e. http.getResponse to get the response body or http.getResponseHeader for the Http response header
- This component wraps curl - it supports any http method
- works with anonymous requests and authentication / authorization: (Basic authentication, Authorization header (tokens, NTLM) or any other request header variable
- The response can be stored ... and reimported later. After import you can use the http.get* functions to fetch results from the former request.
- Caching support for GET requests with a given TTL: if you repeat a request to the same url and ttl was not reached yet then you continue with the cached result
👤 Author: Axel Hahn; Institute for Medical Education; University of Bern
📄 Source:
📜 License: GNU GPL 3.0
📗 Docs: