diff --git a/docs/20_Usage.md b/docs/20_Usage.md
index 5bd693279360ec6fb9664dc81fc6358a20a0e85d..0bd76bef6f5f96be476487e616bc496663317ba1 100644
--- a/docs/20_Usage.md
+++ b/docs/20_Usage.md
@@ -10,24 +10,18 @@ require_once '[APPROOT]/classes/ldap.class.php';
 As an example I create a hash named $aConfig and save it as "inc_config.php".
 return [
-      ...
-       'ldap-master' => [
-           'server'     => 'ldaps://ldap.example.com',
-           'DnLdapUser' => 'cn=Lookup,ou=Service,dc=some,dc=example.com',
-           'PwLdapUser' => 'PasswordOfLookupUser',
-           // node where to find users that are allowed to login
-           'DnUserNode' => 'ou=People,dc=some,dc=example.com',
-           // node where to find my app
-           'DnAppNode'  => 'cn=MyApp,dc=some,dc=example.com',
-           'debugLevel' => 0,
-       ],
-      ...
+    ...
+    'ldap-master' => [
+        'server'     => 'ldaps://ldap.example.com',
+        'DnLdapUser' => 'cn=Lookup,ou=Service,dc=some,dc=example.com',
+        'PwLdapUser' => 'PasswordOfLookupUser',
+        // See Configuration page for all values.
+    ],
+    ...
diff --git a/docs/30_Methods.md b/docs/30_Methods.md
index 86962bdc4e3e9a69283624b89a521e901e85bea3..a4cdcd0e1fe3e3c6527e9d8dd9d4240a1c4962f7 100644
--- a/docs/30_Methods.md
+++ b/docs/30_Methods.md
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ set a ldap config
             'server'       => 'ldaps://ldap.example.com',
             'port'         => 636,
             'DnLdapUser' => 'cn=Lookup,ou=ServiceAccounts,dc=org,dc=example.com',     // ldap rdn oder dn
-            'PwLdapUser' => 'IkHEFFzlZ...99j0h8WdI0LrLhxU',  // password
+            'PwLdapUser' => 'PasswordOfLookupUser',                                   // password
             'DnUserNode'   => 'ou=People,ou=ORG,dc=org,dc=example.com',
             'DnAppNode'    => '' optional dn ... if a user must be member of a given group
             'protoVersion' => 3
diff --git a/docs/40_Configuration.md b/docs/40_Configuration.md
index 170c2b67e7f66abf1149b0e627a3611e50c59aaa..7964db10f91694df77a9deb9b0b239625abe7924 100644
--- a/docs/40_Configuration.md
+++ b/docs/40_Configuration.md
@@ -2,11 +2,43 @@
 When initializing a new imlldap object or use setConfig then you can apply these values:
-Var            | Type    | Desciption                                     | Example
---             |--       |--                                              |--
-'server'       | string  | Server connection with "ldap(s)://host[:port]" | 'ldaps://ldap.example.com'
-'DnLdapUser'   | string  | Bind user as ldap rdn or dn                    | 'cn=Lookup,ou=ServiceAccounts,dc=org,dc=example.com'
-'PwLdapUser'   | string  | password for bind user                         |
-'DnUserNode'   | string  | for user metods: set a DN where users are      | 'ou=People,ou=ORG,dc=org,dc=example.com'
-'protoVersion' | integer | ldap protocol version                          | 3
-'debugLevel'   | integer | Value for LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL                 | 7
+Var            | Type    | Desciption                                          | Example
+--             |--       |--                                                   |--
+`server`       | string  | Server connection with "ldap(s)://host[:port]"      | 'ldaps://ldap.example.com'
+`DnLdapUser`   | string  | Bind user as ldap rdn or dn                         | 'cn=Lookup,ou=ServiceAccounts,dc=org,dc=example.com'
+`PwLdapUser`   | string  | password for bind user                              | 'PasswordOfLookupUser'
+`DnUserNode`   | string  | for user metods: set a DN where users are           | 'ou=People,ou=ORG,dc=org,dc=example.com'
+`protoVersion` | integer | ldap protocol version                               | 3
+`debugLevel`   | integer | Value for LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL when using debugOn() | 7
+### Example:
+As an example I create a hash named $aConfig and save it as "inc_config.php".
+return [
+    ...
+    'ldap-master' => [
+        'server'     => 'ldaps://ldap.example.com',
+        'DnLdapUser' => 'cn=Lookup,ou=Service,dc=some,dc=example.com',
+        'PwLdapUser' => 'PasswordOfLookupUser',
+        'DnUserNode' => 'ou=People,dc=some,dc=example.com',
+        'debugLevel' => 0,
+    ],
+    ...
+$aConfig = require_once('inc_config.php');
+require_once '[APPROOT]/classes/ldap.class.php';
+$oLdap=new imlldap($aConfig['ldap-maser']);
+// ...
+// update a single config item
+    'debugLevel' => 3,
diff --git a/docs/50_Examples.md b/docs/50_Examples.md
index 8efad5219537a068fef9c903e72a5fa8fd4e5301..c6578098a527ce440a7057e403de9643961f2c11 100644
--- a/docs/50_Examples.md
+++ b/docs/50_Examples.md
@@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ $aUser = $oLdap->getUserInfo("john@example.com", ["memberof", "uid"]);
-### Verify user and password for login
+## Verify user and password for login
 // set values from $_FORM or $_POST data of your login form here
@@ -32,18 +32,13 @@ $oLdap->close();
 ## Debugging
 If you want to find connection problems then use debugOn().
-This enables the echoing of ldap actions for connect, bind and more.
+This enables the echoing of ldap actions for connect, bind and class internal debug messages.
-// this will set LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL
 $oLdap = new imlldap($aConfig);
 // enable showing debug output
+// This method sets LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL to $aConfig['debugLevel'];
 // then do something ... the first action will conect and bind
diff --git a/src/ldap.class.php b/src/ldap.class.php
index 67babe5eb26008d8c3f053d153183a48fcb3ef87..a4d4de90f463c67e2322f375f2d9a3333bf56299 100755
--- a/src/ldap.class.php
+++ b/src/ldap.class.php
@@ -4,13 +4,18 @@
+ * @author axel.hahn@unibe.ch
+ * @license GNU GPL v3
+ *
+ * SOURCE: <https://git-repo.iml.unibe.ch/iml-open-source/ldap-php-class/>
+ * DOCS: <https://os-docs.iml.unibe.ch/ldap-php-class/index.html>
+ * 
  * 2022-02-22  ah  added objGet(), sanitizeFilter()
  * 2022-08-18  ah  mask password (showing 4 chars only)
  * 2022-08-22  ah  mhash is deprecated
  * 2022-08-26  ah  fix verifyPassword
  * 2024-07-11  ah  php8 only: use variable types; update phpdocs
- * 
- * @author axel.hahn@unibe.ch
+ * 2024-07-12  ah  remove connection port (use server value "ldaps://<host>:<port>" if needed) 
 class imlldap
@@ -24,7 +29,6 @@ class imlldap
     private array $_aLdap = [
         'server' => false,
-        'port' => false,
         'DnLdapUser' => false, // ldap rdn oder dn
         'PwLdapUser' => false,
         'DnUserNode' => false, // ou=People...
@@ -132,17 +136,15 @@ class imlldap
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
-     * set a ldap config 
+     * set a ldap config or modify existing value
-     * @param array  $aConfig   new config items
-     *             'server'       => 'ldaps://ldap.example.com',
-     *             'port'         => 636,
-     *             'DnLdapUser' => 'cn=Lookup,ou=ServiceAccounts,dc=org,dc=example.com',     // ldap rdn oder dn
-     *             'PwLdapUser' => 'IkHEFFzlZ...99j0h8WdI0LrLhxU',  // password
-     *             'DnUserNode'   => 'ou=People,ou=ORG,dc=org,dc=example.com',
-     *             'DnAppNode'    => '' optional dn ... if a user must be member of a given group
-     *             'protoVersion' => 3
-     *             'debugLevel'   => 0 // for debugging set higher 0 AND call debugOn()
+     * @param array  $aConfig   new config items with these keys
+     *               'server'       => 'ldaps://ldap.example.com',
+     *               'DnLdapUser'   => 'cn=Lookup,ou=ServiceAccounts,dc=org,dc=example.com', // ldap rdn oder dn
+     *               'PwLdapUser'   => 'PasswordOfLookupUser',                               // password
+     *               'DnUserNode'   => 'ou=People,ou=ORG,dc=org,dc=example.com',
+     *               'protoVersion' => 3
+     *               'debugLevel'   => 0 // value for LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL in debugOn()
     public function setConfig(array $aConfig = []): void
@@ -189,7 +191,7 @@ class imlldap
-        $this->_w(__FUNCTION__ . ' connect to ' . $this->_aLdap['server'] . ':' . $this->_aLdap['port']);
+        $this->_w(__FUNCTION__ . ' connect to ' . $this->_aLdap['server']);
         $this->_ldapConn = ldap_connect($this->_aLdap['server']);
         if (!$this->_ldapConn) {