From 1f2aca7ab7e3a2f3276999a89efa55a5be77907c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: "Hahn Axel (hahn)" <>
Date: Fri, 12 Jul 2024 10:10:45 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] update docs

 docs/         | 70 +++++++++++++++-------------------------
 docs/ | 12 +++++++
 docs/      | 53 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 docs/           |  6 ++--
 4 files changed, 94 insertions(+), 47 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 docs/
 create mode 100644 docs/

diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 3713ad6..5bd6932 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ As an example I create a hash named $aConfig and save it as "inc_config.php".
 return [
-       'ldap' => [
+       'ldap-master' => [
            'server'     => 'ldaps://',
            'DnLdapUser' => 'cn=Lookup,ou=Service,dc=some,',
            'PwLdapUser' => 'PasswordOfLookupUser',
@@ -31,34 +31,49 @@ return [
-## initialize connection
+## Initialize connection
 $aConfig = require_once('inc_config.php');
 require_once '[APPROOT]/classes/ldap.class.php';
-$oLdap=new imlldap($aConfig['ldap']);
+$oLdap=new imlldap($aConfig['ldap-maser']);
 ## Methods
+### LDAP Connection
+You can reconfigure the connetction data of a current ldap object:
+* setConfig(array $aConfig = []): void<br>Set new connection values.
+These methods are used internally - it is not a must to use them:
+* connect(): void<br>Connect to host and port
+* bind(string $sUser = '', string $sPw = ''): bool<br>with bind a user and password to access ldap data
+* unbind(): void
 ### Object handling
-* objAdd(string $sDn, array $aItem): bool
-* objGet(string $sDn, string $sSearchFilter = '(objectclass=*)', array $aAttributesToGet = ["*"]): bool|array
-* objUpdate(string $sDn, array $aItem): bool
-* objDelete(string $sDn): bool
+* DnExists(string $sDn): bool<br>Check if a DN exists
+* objAdd(string $sDn, array $aItem): bool<br>Create a new object
+* objGet(string $sDn, string $sSearchFilter = '(objectclass=*)', array $aAttributesToGet = ["*"]): bool|array<br>Get object data of a given DN
+* objUpdate(string $sDn, array $aItem): bool<br>Update values of a given object
+* objDelete(string $sDn): bool<br>Delete an object
 ### Attributes
 * objAddAttr(string $sDn, array $aItem): bool
 * objDeleteAttr(string $sDn, array $aItem): bool
-* objectAttributeExists(string $sDn, string $sAttribute): bool
-* objectAttributeAndValueExist(string $sDn, string $sAttribute, string $sAttrValue): bool - check only
-* objectAttributeAndValueMustExist(string $sDn, string $sAttribute, string $sAttrValue): bool - force the existence of attribute and value
+* objectAttributeExists(string $sDn, string $sAttribute): bool<br>Check if an attribute exists
+* objectAttributeAndValueExist(string $sDn, string $sAttribute, string $sAttrValue): bool<br>Check if an attribute exists and has a given value
+* objectAttributeAndValueMustExist(string $sDn, string $sAttribute, string $sAttrValue): bool<br>Force the existence of an attribute that must have a given value
 ### User functions
+You need to set `$aConfig['DnUserNode']` to a base DN where are the user objects.
 * userAdd(array $aItem, string $sDn = "")
 * getUserInfo(string $sUser, array $aAttributesToGet = ["*"]): bool|array
 * userDelete(string $sUserDn)
@@ -68,40 +83,7 @@ $oLdap=new imlldap($aConfig['ldap']);
 ### Debugging
-Turn debugging on or off
+Turn debugging on or off.
 * debugOff()
 * debugOn()
-## Examples
-### read user attributes
-Use the username or an email address to get user data. The 2nd parameter defines the attributes to fetch (`["*"]` is default).
-$aUser = $oLdap->getUserInfo("", []);
-$aUser = $oLdap->getUserInfo("", ["memberof", "uid"]);        
-// simplify result array:
-### Verify user and password for login
-// set values from $_FORM or $_POST data of your login form here
-// The variable $bAuthenticated is true if authentication of the user was successful.
-$bAuthenticated=oLdap->verifyPassword($sUser, $sPassword);
-### Example: search
-When using special chars in search then you can sanitize the search string.
-$sCn = 'John Smith (john)';
-$sSearchFilter = '(cn='.$oLdap->sanitizeFilter($sCn).')';
-$aResults = $oLdap->searchDn("<DN here>", $sSearchFilter, ["*"]);
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..170c2b6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+## Configuration
+When initializing a new imlldap object or use setConfig then you can apply these values:
+Var            | Type    | Desciption                                     | Example
+--             |--       |--                                              |--
+'server'       | string  | Server connection with "ldap(s)://host[:port]" | 'ldaps://'
+'DnLdapUser'   | string  | Bind user as ldap rdn or dn                    | 'cn=Lookup,ou=ServiceAccounts,dc=org,'
+'PwLdapUser'   | string  | password for bind user                         |
+'DnUserNode'   | string  | for user metods: set a DN where users are      | 'ou=People,ou=ORG,dc=org,'
+'protoVersion' | integer | ldap protocol version                          | 3
+'debugLevel'   | integer | Value for LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL                 | 7
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..8efad52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+## Read user attributes
+Use the username or an email address to get user data. The 2nd parameter defines the attributes to fetch (`["*"]` is default).
+$aUser = $oLdap->getUserInfo("", []);
+$aUser = $oLdap->getUserInfo("", ["memberof", "uid"]);        
+// simplify result array:
+### Verify user and password for login
+// set values from $_FORM or $_POST data of your login form here
+// The variable $bAuthenticated is true if authentication of the user was successful.
+$bAuthenticated=oLdap->verifyPassword($sUser, $sPassword);
+## Search
+When using special chars in search then you can sanitize the search string.
+$sCn = 'John Smith (john)';
+$sSearchFilter = '(cn='.$oLdap->sanitizeFilter($sCn).')';
+$aResults = $oLdap->searchDn("<DN here>", $sSearchFilter, ["*"]);
+## Debugging
+If you want to find connection problems then use debugOn().
+This enables the echoing of ldap actions for connect, bind and more.
+// this will set LDAP_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL
+$oLdap = new imlldap($aConfig);
+// enable showing debug output
+// then do something ... the first action will conect and bind
+if ($oLdap->objectAttributeAndValueExist($sDn, $sAttribute, $sMemberDN)) {
+    ...
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index 9c9bf70..6b08842 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -9,10 +9,10 @@ A PHP class that I use
 * for authentication of user logins
 * CRUD actions on ldap nodes
-👤 Author: Axel Hahn; Institute for Medical Education; University of Bern
-📄 Source:
+👤 Author: Axel Hahn; Institute for Medical Education; University of Bern \
+📄 Source: <> \
 📜 License: GNU GPL 3.0
-📗 Docs:
+📗 Docs: <>
 ## Requirements